Mode Suisse - HEAD Genève - Designer Anaïs Pierquet, Photo Sandra Pointet and Baptiste Coulon
Edition 3, Geneva • HEAD Genève

Designer Anaïs Pierquet, Photo Sandra Pointet and Baptiste Coulon

HEAD Haute Ecole d'Art et de Design Genève

Attaining high standards is a key concept that shapes our student programme.
Throughout their course of study at HEAD-Geneva, we encourage students to question and to stretch the limits of their creative universe, while at the same time confronting them with the realities of the fashion world.

Driven by their passion for fashion, our students acquire the high standards necessary to ensure success in all aspects of their projects through the variety of experiences offered by our teaching staff.
Rather than just handing over the keys, we aim to empower students to learn how to forge for themselves the essential tools for their future career as designers.

Christiane Luible
Head of Department of Industrial and Product Design

For Mode Suisse 2013, this year we have selected six school projects from "collection 5".
Camille Buhler “Bel/plante”, Sophie Colombo "La réalité contradictoire entraine la couleur", Jeremy Gaillard “Post-Matriarcat”, Amandine Mane “Le geste nécessaire”, Lucille Mosimann “Nasty Faces: Retour de Bagarre au petit matin” and Anaïs Pierquet "Là-bas les larmes s'élèvent vers les âmes et les feuilles ne perdent jamais leur couleur vive".