Tosca Wyss

Beauty is composed of unison and clarity, function, sense and expendience as well as the vague and mystical. Inspired by this variety, life and society, emerges a collage. The design is a combination of classical elements from men and women's fashion with freshly concieved lines, materials and details composed of valuable refinements along with Tosca Wyss's own take on conventional Patterns. Her collections are a reflection of the modern society that will be relevant in the future. The designs oft her label creates a balance between commercial and conceptual elements, that surprise with there intricacies and subtlety.

Inspired by central asiatic traditional garment, her latest collection „Faster Horses Older Whiskey, Younger Men, More Money“, reflects the idendity of its wearer in the fast moving globalized society he lives in. Diffrent sublimations such as embroidery, plisee and lasercut alonf with colourful fabric combinations, let the collections be seen as a collage, that builds a unity out of the variety.

The Collections are released twice a year in a limited edition to ensure the aspirations to exclusivity and sustainability.
